AFFORDABLE Mediation and Paralegal Services
We offer affordable Mediation Services and assist our clients in the preparation of legal documents
for uncontested Divorce, legal matters, Living Trusts, and Probate.
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Welcome to Affordable Mediation and Paralegal Services
What is Mediation?
The primary benefit of the mediation process is that it allows the parties to reach their own agreement, which is often more efficient and cost-effective than going to court. Mediation can also be a quicker process than going to court, and it can help the parties to better understand and appreciate each other's perspective. Mediation is a process through which disputants work together with the assistance of a neutral third party, trained in the technique of mediation, to arrive at a mutually acceptable agreement with regard to their conflict or dispute. The purpose of mediation is to settle disputes. Mediation saves money, time, and allows a workable relationship, whereas the court procedure is time consuming, expensive, and places the parties in adversarial positions. |
- Resolve disputes without breaking the bank. Affordable mediation & paralegal services for individuals & businesses. Faster, cheaper & less stressful than court.
- Don't let legal costs bog you down. We provide accessible mediation & paralegal services to save you time & money. Find peace of mind without the hefty price tag.
- Get legal help you can afford. Our dedicated paralegals & experienced mediators offer budget-friendly solutions for everyday legal needs.
Paralegal Services- our affordable Paralegal, LDA services can help with document preparation, motions, agreements, judgments, uncontested divorce paperwork and more. Most importantly, we offer affordable Legal Doc Prep.
Call us today, we are available to Mediate 7 days a week in Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Los Angeles County, Orange County and San Diego County. 951-440-5645 or 818-945-9333
Why does Mediation Make Sense? |
What is Mediation? |
There are a lot of reasons why it is a good idea to mediate your small claims dispute, whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant.
You should consider mediating your case because: During your court hearing, you only have about 5 or 10 minutes to present your case. In mediation, you have as long as you and the other side need to talk about your situation, even as long as 2 hours. Court hearings are open to the public and everything you say to the judge will be heard by everyone who is sitting in the courtroom. Mediation is confidential and private, so what you say in mediation cannot be used against you in court later. If you go in front of a judge, the judge has to apply the law to the facts of the case and take into account only those facts that the law considers relevant. In mediation, you can talk about other issues that may not be directly related to the law but are very important to you and how you feel about the dispute. A judge usually has to make a decision about money, and whether 1 side owes the other money. In mediation, the parties can reach an agreement that goes beyond the money issues and can include, for example, giving 1 side a chance to fix a problem, return property, or apologize. In mediation, you have more room to create an agreement that suits the 2 of you and your particular situation. Different types of cases have different deadlines for filing. If you file a claim in court after the deadline for your type of case has passed, the judge will have to apply the law and you will lose your case. But, you can still resolve your case in mediation, since you, the other side, and the mediator have more flexibility than the judge and can make an agreement beyond what the law requires. Mediation can be very helpful in disputes between neighbors and family members because of the importance of the relationships between the parties. When the judge makes a decision, at least 1 side usually does not like the judge's order, and often neither side is happy. In mediation, both sides usually agree on the outcome so they all accept it. Mediated agreements are often more likely to be followed than a court order that is imposed by the judge. If you are the plaintiff and win in court, getting paid can be very difficult and you may have to spend more money and time. If you reach an agreement through mediation, you will not need more court hearings, and the other side is more likely to pay you because they were part of reaching that agreement and had a chance to really be involved in the resolution of the dispute. If you are the defendant and you lose in court, the court will enter a judgment against you, which will show on your credit report and could hurt your credit. In mediation, you can reach an agreement with the plaintiff and there will not be a court judgment entered against you, so your credit will not be affected. Areas of ExpertiseBusiness, Contracts, Partnerships, Employment, Personal Injury/Property Damage, Professional Liability, Real Estate, Landlord Tenant, Personal Injury, Entertainment, Employment, Family, Business, Civil Rights, Commercial, Contract, Disability Rights, Discrimination, Education, Employment, Estates and Trusts, Family, Harassment, HOA Disputes, Landlord/Tenant, Partnership Dissolutions, Intra-Organizational, Retaliation, Wrongful Termination, Wage and Hour, Business; Commercial; Construction; Contracts; Employment/Workplace; Environmental; Financial; Government; Healthcare; HOA.
Mediation is an alternative method of dispute resolution. Its advocates say that it's cost-effective, eases the court load and helps people reach mutually satisfying solutions. Additionally, it's voluntary and confidential. Most times, only two or three sessions are needed to reach an agreement.
This process is legally required in some states, such as California and Delaware, under certain conditions. Over the past decades, mediation has become the method of choice for individuals and businesses alike. Up to 70 percent of people who choose this path reach a resolution. The Mediation ProcessThe mediation process.Mediation is usually a voluntary process, although sometimes statutes, rules, or court orders may require participation in mediation. Mediation is common in small claims courts, housing courts, family courts, and some criminal court programs and neighborhood justice centers.
Unlike the litigation process, where a neutral third party (usually a judge) imposes a decision over the matter, the parties and their mediator ordinarily control the mediation process -- deciding when and where the mediation takes place, who will be present, how the mediation will be paid for, and how the mediator will interact with the parties. After a MediationIf a resolution is reached, mediation agreements may be oral or written, and content varies with the type of mediation. Whether a mediation agreement is binding depends on the law in the individual jurisdictions, but most mediation agreements are considered enforceable contracts. In some court-ordered mediations, the agreement becomes a court judgment. If an agreement is not reached, however, the parties may decide to pursue their claims in other forums. The mediation process is generally considered more prompt, inexpensive, and procedurally simple than formal litigation. It allows the parties to focus on the underlying circumstances that contributed to the dispute, rather than on narrow legal issues. The mediation process does not focus on truth or fault. Questions of which party is right or wrong are generally less important than the issue of how the problem can be resolved. Advantages to MediationThe main advantages of attempting to reach agreement by mediation are:
Reach win-win agreements with affordable mediation.
Resolve conflicts amicably & preserve relationships.
Save time & money compared to litigation. Call us to unlock solutions!
Resolve conflicts amicably & preserve relationships.
Save time & money compared to litigation. Call us to unlock solutions!
Mediation helped me resolve my small claims issue. It was less expensive than a Lawyer and it was resolved much faster. Thank you JB
Thank you Darlene, it was a pleasure working with you. You are pleasant and mediation made it easy to work through our disputes and reach our final settlement. MS
Darlene is a true professional. She guided us through our negotiations with grace and dignity. Mediation was the best route we took to settle our divorce. Darlene is truly great at what she does and she does it with fairness and kindness. SL
Below are some major advantages of Mediation
There are many advantages to mediation over other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) or civil litigation. Below are some of the major advantages that mediation and binding mediation offers to the construction industry as an alternative dispute resolution option. Keep in mind that a judge’s responsibility is to interpret and rule on matters of law. The mediators’ responsibility is to assist the parties in settling their dispute and be fair and equitable to all parties if it is a binding mediation.
1. Mediation is much less costly than civil litigation for many reasons:
2. Most mediators who specialize in construction charge by the hour and the mediation usually is completed in one or two days.
3. As most construction mediations are conducted in one or two days and most certainly less days than civil litigation, the cost of your time away from business will be minimal.
4. Our highly-trained mediation specialists will mediate your dispute and assist you to effectively communicate, negotiate and reach mutually acceptable resolutions while avoiding the costs, strain and stress of a court battle.
1. Mediation is much less costly than civil litigation for many reasons:
2. Most mediators who specialize in construction charge by the hour and the mediation usually is completed in one or two days.
3. As most construction mediations are conducted in one or two days and most certainly less days than civil litigation, the cost of your time away from business will be minimal.
4. Our highly-trained mediation specialists will mediate your dispute and assist you to effectively communicate, negotiate and reach mutually acceptable resolutions while avoiding the costs, strain and stress of a court battle.
Contact Us
Darlene Tarnoski, Professional Mediator & Paralegal
Los Angeles County
Orange County
Riverside County
San Diego County
San Bernardino County
- Call us today.
- Divorce and Custody Mediation Los Angeles County 818-945-9333
- Divorce and Custody Mediation Riverside County 951-440-5645
- Divorce and Custody Mediation Orange County 714-710-3400
- Divorce and Custody Mediation San Diego County 858-365-0555
- Divorce and Custody Mediation San Bernardino County 951-440-5645
For more information on Becoming a Mediator
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40 Hour BASIC MEDIATION Training $499
Certification of Completion with Official Seal
MEDIATION Training Forms
All the Tools You Need to Succeed
Certification of Completion with Official Seal
MEDIATION Training Forms
All the Tools You Need to Succeed
Mediation Services Riverside County, Los Angeles County, Mediation Services San Fernando Valley, Mediation Services Glendale, Mediation Services Pasadena, Mediation Services Burbank, Mediation Services Orange County, Mediation Services San Bernardino County, Mediation Services San Diego County.
Reach win-win agreements with affordable mediation. Resolve conflicts amicably & preserve relationships. Save time & money compared to litigation. Call us to unlock solutions! 951-440-5645, 951-286-5289
Reach win-win agreements with affordable mediation. Resolve conflicts amicably & preserve relationships. Save time & money compared to litigation. Call us to unlock solutions! 951-440-5645, 951-286-5289